iftar recipes in urdu is an Application in which you can learn how to make your favorite fast food at home. This Application contains hundreds of recipes for fast food items including Pizza, Burger, Chaat, Shawarma, Samosas, Pakora, Souses, Chatni & Pastas. This application is a handy recipe guide for hundreds of recipes in your pocket at all times. A must download for people who love to make Pakistan, European or American dishes. Quickly learn how to make everyday fast food items right at home.
In this ramzan cook easy and quick iftar recipes around the world. You can find best iftar recipes by chef zakir.
This Application is in Urdu Language & Best Application for all Urdu readers.
Your Fast Food Easy Guide is here for free, so what are you waiting for, Download now & Enjoy Delicious recipes. You can use this app offline, If you don’t have internet everywhere then no problem you can use this app anywhere with or without internet.
Fast Food Urdu Recipes has hundreds of recipes for Fast food including Traditional Pakistani and Indian Dishes, Pizza, Burgers, Toasts, samosa, Pakora. This Application is in Urdu Language Only!!! This application is a handy recipe guide for hundreds of recipes in your pocket at all times. A must download for people who love to make fast food dish's specially Pizza. Quickly learn how to make everyday Fast food Dish items right at home.
Now you can make a much better version of Pakistani food and dishes which have the bland KFC, McDonald's-style patties and burgers which are topped with a sauce. Pakistani recipes in Urdu provides Cooking Recipes in Urdu with instant Food Recipes, fast food recipes, and Pakistani food recipes
Iftar cooking recipes in Urdu and Pakistani Cooking recipe app book includes sharing functionality so that you can share the nugget recipes, pasta recipe, beef bacon, burger, pizza recipe, French fries recipe with your family and friends.
Not only this with daily notification we will suggest you what you should bake today with today’s recipe option. Now you don’t need to be confused. Also, you can save your favorite recipes and read them any time anywhere you want.
Top Recipes:
1. Fruit Chaat/Chana Chaat/Dahi Bhaly.
2. Burger.
3. Sandwich
4. Cutlets.
5. Toast
6. Sous.
7. Pizza
8. Samosa.
9. Tea & Coffey
10. Fish.
11. Salad.
12. Chattni.
Some Extras:
iftar recipes healthy
iftar recipes 2018
iftar recipes chicken
iftar recipes cheese
iftar recipes drinks
iftar dinner recipes
iftar dessert recipes
iftar dishes recipes
Easy To Learn
Save any recipe.
Every Day new recipe in Today’s Recipe Menu
Share any recipe with your friends/Family.
It’s Free & Offline available.
Just click on install button and install this amazing fast food recipes app for free.
If you like our app please give us review your reviews are very important for us.
Thank You & Enjoy.
Deen-E-Haq Apps
resep buka puasa dalam urdu adalah Aplikasi di mana Anda dapat belajar bagaimana membuat makanan cepat saji favorit Anda di rumah. Aplikasi ini berisi ratusan resep untuk makanan cepat saji termasuk Pizza, Burger, Chaat, Shawarma, Samosa, Pakora, Souses, Chatni & Pastas. Aplikasi ini adalah panduan resep praktis untuk ratusan resep di saku Anda setiap saat. Harus mengunduh untuk orang-orang yang suka membuat hidangan Pakistan, Eropa atau Amerika. Cepat belajar cara membuat makanan cepat saji setiap hari tepat di rumah.
Dalam ramzan ini, resep buka puasa mudah dan cepat di seluruh dunia. Anda dapat menemukan resep buka puasa terbaik oleh chef zakir.
Aplikasi ini dalam Bahasa Urdu & Aplikasi Terbaik untuk semua pembaca Urdu.
Panduan Cepat Makanan Cepat Anda ada di sini secara gratis, jadi tunggu apa lagi, Unduh sekarang & Nikmati resep Lezat. Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini secara offline, Jika Anda tidak memiliki internet di mana-mana maka tidak ada masalah Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini di mana saja dengan atau tanpa internet.
Fast Food Urdu Recipes memiliki ratusan resep untuk makanan Cepat Saji termasuk Makanan Tradisional Pakistan dan India, Pizza, Burger, Roti Panggang, samosa, Pakora. Aplikasi ini hanya dalam Bahasa Urdu !!! Aplikasi ini adalah panduan resep praktis untuk ratusan resep di saku Anda setiap saat. Harus mengunduh untuk orang-orang yang suka membuat Pizza khusus makanan cepat saji. Cepat belajar cara membuat makanan cepat saji setiap hari Makanan hidangan tepat di rumah.
Sekarang Anda dapat membuat versi yang lebih baik dari makanan dan hidangan Pakistan yang memiliki KFC hambar, roti dan burger ala McDonald's yang diberi saus. Resep-resep Pakistan dalam bahasa Urdu menyediakan Resep Masakan dalam Bahasa Urdu dengan Resep Makanan instan, resep makanan cepat saji, dan resep makanan Pakistan
Resep memasak berbuka puasa di Urdu dan buku resep masakan Pakistan meliputi fungsi berbagi sehingga Anda dapat berbagi resep nugget, resep pasta, daging sapi, burger, resep pizza, resep kentang goreng dengan keluarga dan teman.
Tidak hanya ini dengan pemberitahuan harian, kami akan menyarankan Anda apa yang harus Anda panggang hari ini dengan opsi resep hari ini. Sekarang Anda tidak perlu bingung. Anda juga dapat menyimpan resep favorit Anda dan membacanya kapan saja di mana saja.
Resep Teratas:
1. Buah Chaat / Chana Chaat / Dahi Bhaly.
2. Burger.
3. Sandwich
4. Potongan daging.
5. Bersulang
6. Sous.
7. Pizza
8. Samosa.
9. Teh & Kopi
10. Ikan.
11. Salad.
12. Chattni.
Beberapa Ekstra:
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resep buka puasa 2018
resep buka puasa ayam
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minuman resep buka puasa
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resep hidangan buka puasa
Mudah untuk dipelajari
Simpan resep apa saja.
Setiap hari resep baru di Menu Resep Hari Ini
Bagikan resep apa saja dengan teman / Keluarga Anda.
Ini Gratis & Offline.
Cukup klik tombol install dan instal aplikasi resep makanan cepat saji yang menakjubkan ini secara gratis.
Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi kami tolong beri kami ulasan Anda sangat penting bagi kami.
Terima Kasih & Selamat Menikmati.
Aplikasi Deen-E-Haq
iftar recipes in urdu is an Application in which you can learn how to make your favorite fast food at home. This Application contains hundreds of recipes for fast food items including Pizza, Burger, Chaat, Shawarma, Samosas, Pakora, Souses, Chatni & Pastas. This application is a handy recipe guide for hundreds of recipes in your pocket at all times. A must download for people who love to make Pakistan, European or American dishes. Quickly learn how to make everyday fast food items right at home.
In this ramzan cook easy and quick iftar recipes around the world. You can find best iftar recipes by chef zakir.
This Application is in Urdu Language & Best Application for all Urdu readers.
Your Fast Food Easy Guide is here for free, so what are you waiting for, Download now & Enjoy Delicious recipes. You can use this app offline, If you don’t have internet everywhere then no problem you can use this app anywhere with or without internet.
Fast Food Urdu Recipes has hundreds of recipes for Fast food including Traditional Pakistani and Indian Dishes, Pizza, Burgers, Toasts, samosa, Pakora. This Application is in Urdu Language Only!!! This application is a handy recipe guide for hundreds of recipes in your pocket at all times. A must download for people who love to make fast food dish's specially Pizza. Quickly learn how to make everyday Fast food Dish items right at home.
Now you can make a much better version of Pakistani food and dishes which have the bland KFC, McDonald's-style patties and burgers which are topped with a sauce. Pakistani recipes in Urdu provides Cooking Recipes in Urdu with instant Food Recipes, fast food recipes, and Pakistani food recipes
Iftar cooking recipes in Urdu and Pakistani Cooking recipe app book includes sharing functionality so that you can share the nugget recipes, pasta recipe, beef bacon, burger, pizza recipe, French fries recipe with your family and friends.
Not only this with daily notification we will suggest you what you should bake today with today’s recipe option. Now you don’t need to be confused. Also, you can save your favorite recipes and read them any time anywhere you want.
Top Recipes:
1. Fruit Chaat/Chana Chaat/Dahi Bhaly.
2. Burger.
3. Sandwich
4. Cutlets.
5. Toast
6. Sous.
7. Pizza
8. Samosa.
9. Tea & Coffey
10. Fish.
11. Salad.
12. Chattni.
Some Extras:
iftar recipes healthy
iftar recipes 2018
iftar recipes chicken
iftar recipes cheese
iftar recipes drinks
iftar dinner recipes
iftar dessert recipes
iftar dishes recipes
Easy To Learn
Save any recipe.
Every Day new recipe in Today’s Recipe Menu
Share any recipe with your friends/Family.
It’s Free & Offline available.
Just click on install button and install this amazing fast food recipes app for free.
If you like our app please give us review your reviews are very important for us.
Thank You & Enjoy.
Deen-E-Haq Apps